Deviance and Social Control

  1. 4. Gaps exist between cultural goals and ability to achieve these goals in legitimate way.
  2. 7. Attempts to explain why certain people argued as deviants while others engaged in the same behavior or not.
  3. 8. Illegal acts committed in the course of business activities often by affluent, respectable people.
  4. 12. Attributes increases in crime and deviance to the absence or breakdown of communal relationships and social institutions.
  5. 14. Technigues and strategies for preventing deviant human behavior in any society.
  6. 15. Used casually to enforce norms.
  7. 17. Punishment to make criminals pay compensation for their acts.
  8. 18. A disorganized society where norms are weak, conflicting or absent.
  9. 19. Governmental social control.
  1. 1. Discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment.
  2. 2. Protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prisons.
  3. 3. An undesirable label that is used to characterize an individual.
  4. 5. Interaction with other groups with other norms.
  5. 6. The act of going along with individuals of our own status.
  6. 9. Carried out by authorized agents.
  7. 10. Infraction of criminal law without any identifiable evidence of an individual that has suffered damage.
  8. 11. Process of changing for reforming a criminal through socialization.
  9. 13. Behavior that departs from societal or group norms.
  10. 14. Penalties and rewards for conduct concerning a social norm.
  11. 16. Compliance with higher authorities in hierarchical structure.