Deviant Behavior Final Exam

  1. 3. Merged concepts to explain criminal behavior
  2. 6. Attempt to explain criminal behavior through a single approach
  3. 8. An individual who has a personality disorder, especially one manifesting in aggression and antisocial behavior
  4. 10. Worst schedule (highest potential for abuse) of controlled substances
  5. 12. Name for criminal defense for when the offender had to much sugar (hyperglycemia)
  6. 13. Criminal acts in other parts of the world
  7. 16. Phrase that refers to offenders getting the punishment they receive
  8. 19. Not violation of drug; however, are crimes in which drugs contribution of the offense
  9. 23. Criminal homicide that is unplanned and is often described as a crime of passion
  10. 24. Associated with the above theory; refers to as the attempt to the "American Dream"
  11. 25. Study of the relationship between human physical characteristics and criminality
  12. 26. Manufacturing, distributing, dispensing, importing, exporting of a controlled substance
  1. 1. Criminal law committed by person of responsibility and highly social statues in the course of their occupation
  2. 2. Criminologist perspective that states crime was a result of an individual choice and free will
  3. 4. Who stated that criminal behavior may result from a poorly developed superego
  4. 5. Forcibly entering an occupied residence
  5. 7. Willful killing of one human by another
  6. 9. Study of crime and criminal behavior
  7. 11. human activity that violates social norms
  8. 14. Theory that falls under the social theory; has five zones
  9. 15. Criminal homicide that involves a killing of several victims in three or more separate events
  10. 17. Seek to change the entire political, social, economic system to an extreme right or ultra-conservative model
  11. 18. Cross-national study of crime
  12. 20. Term used to describe individuals who behavioral patterns bring them repeatedly into conflict with society; impulsive
  13. 21. Who termed the phrase "Born Criminals"
  14. 22. Criminal homicide that is planned or involved premeditation