
  1. 4. The dance I like to do
  2. 5. I wear these to see
  3. 8. My gender
  4. 9. My new school
  5. 12. My obsession
  6. 13. The instrument I play
  7. 15. A place I go 5 days a week
  8. 16. My religion
  9. 19. My dislike
  10. 20. Something I enjoy doing
  11. 21. My OC class
  12. 22. Something I always do
  1. 1. My favourite subject
  2. 2. My colour preference
  3. 3. My favourite book series
  4. 6. The sport I play
  5. 7. My species
  6. 10. My old school
  7. 11. My background country
  8. 14. A way to describe me
  9. 15. My height
  10. 17. What I do at choir
  11. 18. My favourite colour