Diabetes 101/ Life on a pump

  1. 2. which CGM do Control-IQ and Basal-IQ pumps use?
  2. 8. type of diabetes which can occur during pregnancy.
  3. 9. sugars and starches found in food that provide a main source of energy to the human body.
  4. 12. what is the name of the first Tandem pump that had CGM integration?
  5. 13. dangerous condition caused when there's not enough insulin in the body, causing high levels of ketones.
  6. 15. reservoir which holds insulin and requires to be changed every 2-3 days.
  7. 16. what is the name of the pump supply used to get the insulin from the cartridge to the patient's body?
  8. 18. name the part of the infusion set that gets inserted to the patient's skin to deliver insulin:
  9. 19. doing this can increase insulin sensitivity in a person's body.
  10. 20. what is the software used to download data from your pump for patients and doctors to review?
  11. 21. what is the name of the Tandem pump which can hold up to 480u of insulin?
  12. 26. what does CGM stand for?
  13. 27. type of bolus used to bring BG closer to target range.
  14. 29. where does the pump screen display the insulin that is active in the patient's body?
  15. 30. which type of diabetes is caused by insulin resistance?
  16. 31. what kind of bolus is used to cover for meals and snacks?
  17. 32. what does IPT stand for?
  1. 1. test that measures average Blood Glucose in past 2-3 months.
  2. 3. what emergency kit is used when a person is unconscious from severe low blood glucose?
  3. 4. term used to describe elevated blood glucose.
  4. 5. term to describe blood glucose which have dropped below normal levels.
  5. 6. what does LADA stand for?
  6. 7. what kind of insulin do Tandem pumps use?
  7. 10. what does MDI stand for?
  8. 11. what is the name of the first pump released by Tandem?
  9. 13. what is chronic, common and controllable?
  10. 14. What kind of illness is type 1 diabetes?
  11. 17. chronic health condition in which the pancreas stops producing enough insulin to sustain the body.
  12. 22. what is the name of the hormone which helps regulate blood glucose in a person's body?
  13. 23. what can the pump calculate based on carbs eaten and/or blood glucose?
  14. 24. what is the name of the Tandem pump that has two-way Bluetooth communication?
  15. 25. Who determines the insulin delivery settings entered into the pump?
  16. 28. the pump will deliver smaller doses of "background insulin" based on this setting: