
  1. 3. Type of saline used to initiate volume replacement in DKA
  2. 6. Type of insulin given immediately with DKA
  3. 9. Raises serum glucose levels 6 hrs after 1st dose lasting 3 days
  4. 10. Type of carbohydrates recommended in diabetic diet
  5. 13. In DKA elevated glucose creates an osmotic gradient leading to this
  6. 15. A sulfonylurea that binds to pancreatic beta-cell ATP to increase insulin
  7. 17. Intolerance of this leads to GDM
  8. 18. GDM patients have a 15-70% risk of developing this after delivery
  9. 19. May lead to fatal fetal arrhythmia
  10. 21. Patients with GDM need 3 meals and 2 to 3 of these
  11. 22. Insulin does not cross this
  12. 23. Type of insulin which should be used over regular insulin
  1. 1. Most common cause of DKA
  2. 2. A biguanide that inhibits hepatic gluconeogenesis
  3. 4. Defined as 4,000 grams or more
  4. 5. Electrolyte that needs replacement in DKA even if in normal range
  5. 7. Responsible for fruity breath
  6. 8. Results from fetal hyperglycemia
  7. 11. Women with GMD have a higher risk of developing this
  8. 12. Tocolytic that can raise blood sugars
  9. 14. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness, nephropathy and ___
  10. 16. Triad of hyperglycemia, acidosis, and ketosis
  11. 20. One of two populations with the highest risk of GDM