
  1. 3. comes from food
  2. 8. level is the measure of concentration of glucose present in the blood of humans or other animals.
  3. 10. a type of cell found in pancreatic islets
  4. 13. is a mineral that your body needs to work properly
  5. 14. is an uncommon disorder that causes an imbalance of fluids in the body.
  6. 16. medical care given to a patient for an illness or injury.
  7. 17. nerve damage that can occur if you have diabetes
  8. 19. complication that affects eyes
  9. 20. protects an organism from diseases
  1. 1. a physical or mental feature which is regarded as indicating a condition of disease, particularly such a feature that is apparent to the patient.
  2. 2. measure of how much sugar/glucose you have
  3. 4. refers to high levels of sugar
  4. 5. the body needs to manage blood glucose
  5. 6. is a class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels
  6. 7. is a disorder in which the body does not produce enough or respond normally to insulin,
  7. 9. what u have to watch
  8. 11. when tour body doesn't make any insulin
  9. 12. life threatening problem that affects people with diabetes
  10. 15. disease in which your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high.
  11. 18. body doesn't make enough insulin