
  1. 2. smell of breath in DKA
  2. 3. Level increases as person develops DKA
  3. 6. diabetes occurring during pregnancy
  4. 11. high blood glucose
  5. 14. weight determinant to administer adult vs. pediatric dose of glucagon
  6. 15. lowers blood glucose
  7. 16. instrument to measure blood glucose levels
  8. 18. commonly used to deliver insulin continuously on daily basis
  1. 1. the "A" in DKA
  2. 4. blood glucose needs to be less than this to treat
  3. 5. produces insulin and glucagon
  4. 7. form of diabetes with impairment of how body regulates and uses sugar
  5. 8. pancreas produces little or no insulin - is autoimmune reaction
  6. 9. glucagon stimulates liver to release ______
  7. 10. low blood glucose
  8. 12. glucagon can be administered IM and ____
  9. 13. oral glucose dose in Grams
  10. 17. common medication diabetics take on a daily basis