Diabetes 534

  1. 5. An intravenous only therapy for hypoglycemia
  2. 6. This agent should be avoided in patients with heart failure
  3. 8. The type of insulin that should be given 30-60 minutes before a meal
  4. 10. The characteristic of NPH that makes it not an ideal basal insulin. Is that it__________
  5. 11. Fair is nice but I'm supposed to be cloudy
  6. 12. 70 30 Novolin 30 units qam and qpm is ___________________ insulin therapy
  7. 13. Patients with type 2 diabetes have a deficiency in this
  8. 16. Blocks the breakdown of an incretin hormone
  9. 18. The macronutrient that has the biggest effect on blood glucose
  10. 22. Lispro tid ac and glargine qhs is ________________ insulin therapy
  11. 24. Giving insulin only as a reaction to an elevated blood glucose level
  12. 25. The trial that showed the reducing A1C reduces microvascular complications in T2DM
  13. 28. Polyuria,polyphagia, and _________ are three signs of hyperglycemia
  14. 30. ADA says this should be avoided, especially in the elderly
  15. 31. Detemir is used to replace ______ insulin
  16. 33. More common with insulin and glipizide than sitagliptin and metformin
  17. 34. When treating hypoglycemia it is best NOT to give something high in this __________
  18. 35. Patients have physical and psychological resistance to this ______________
  19. 36. Increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes
  20. 37. The most common reason patients have episodic hypoglycemia when treated with a sulfonylurea is _________ meals
  1. 1. This diabetes drug may make you "feel pregnant"
  2. 2. Monitor this to detect nephropathy
  3. 3. The patient takes glargine 150 units sq qhs. It might be time to use this instead.
  4. 4. Delivers insulin constantly but is not an automatic pancreas. Insulin________
  5. 7. A relative contraindication to pioglitazone
  6. 9. The problem with using slide scale only to manage diabetes chronically, is that it is
  7. 11. A common reason why a patient being treated with for diabetes develops hyperglycemia
  8. 14. When you have not had food for at least 8 hours
  9. 15. After meals
  10. 17. Keeping A1c less than 7% prevents ______________
  11. 18. blocks the reabsorption of glucose from the renal tubule
  12. 19. Blood glucose level >200 mg/dL
  13. 20. If a patient has a fasting blood glucose between 100-125, then they have
  14. 21. Ideally, this insulin should be adjusted for meals
  15. 23. A good thing to ask a patient about if you suspect they have undiagnosed diabetes
  16. 26. Give this if blood glucose is less than 30 mg/dL
  17. 27. Makes insulin work more effectively, reduces serum glucose levels, and doesn’t require a prescription
  18. 29. This type of lifestyle increases the risk of developing T2DM
  19. 32. Stores of these are depleted when you exercise > 20 minutes