
  1. 3. a device that measures the amount of glucose in the blood, measured in mg/dL.
  2. 4. Diabetics should avoid foods that are high in _________.
  3. 6. a sign of diabetes seen as excessive urination.
  4. 7. a fancy word for when the body is desensitized or unable to use insulin
  5. 9. this is a common oral medication taken by diabetics to increase cell sensitivity to insulin.
  6. 12. a major organ that regulates the amount of glucose in the body and is affected by diabetes.
  7. 14. a sign of diabetes seen by dehydration or constant thirst.
  8. 15. a person with a glucometer reading of 126mg/dl or greater is considered ____________.
  9. 16. type _______ diabetes is a condition where the immune system attacks insulin-producing cells.
  10. 17. a protein that stimulates the uptake or use of sugars and is made when sugar levels are high.
  1. 1. a nutrient in food that provides energy for cells.
  2. 2. a sign of diabetes seen by excessive hunger.
  3. 5. Diabetics should seek to maintain a healthy _______ or Body Mass Index.
  4. 8. type _______ diabetes is a type of diabetes caused by excessive sugar intake.
  5. 10. a common drug to be avoided to stay healthy and help prevent almost all degenerative diseases.
  6. 11. a person with a glucometer reading of 99mg/dl or below is considered ____________.
  7. 13. a hormone that stimulates the production of glucose and is made when sugar levels are low.