  1. 3. Type of diabetes mellitus due to the failure of insulin binding with the insulin receptor?
  2. 4. One of the ways to manage diabetes through diet is by underdoing calorie _.
  3. 7. Diabetes occurs when _ does not produce enough insulin.
  4. 9. Breakdown of glycogen into glucose called as _.
  5. 11. Organ responsible for secreting insulin and glucagon?
  6. 13. System that attacks and destroys the beta cells.
  7. 15. Diabetes is more common in _.
  8. 16. _ level is too high.
  9. 17. It is a _ disease.
  10. 18. Is a more common type of diabetes.
  11. 19. What type of cells responsible for secreting insulin?
  12. 20. A condition where body stop responding to the insulin.
  1. 1. Cell death is also known as _.
  2. 2. Type 1 diabetes occurs when _ produce little or no insulin.
  3. 5. resistance Condition where the cells cannot accept the insulin called as _.
  4. 6. Diabetes can be caused by environmental factors like psychological _.
  5. 8. One of the symptoms of diabetes is having to _ frequently.
  6. 10. _ is a common cause of diabetes as a result of physical inactivity.
  7. 12. Walking and swimming are examples of _ exercises.
  8. 14. Damaged nerve is also known as _.