
  1. 2. Sweating, shaking and hunger are symptoms of this condition
  2. 4. Diabetes can cause this eye condition
  3. 6. A fast acting insulin
  4. 8. A major cause of Type 2 diabetes
  5. 9. A long acting insulin
  6. 10. This medication is usually the first treatment option for Type 2 diabetes.
  7. 11. Metformin side effects commonly affect this body system
  8. 14. This hormone increases hepatic glucose production.
  1. 1. A small strand of nylon attached to a plastic base used to assess for loss of feeling on the foot
  2. 3. Excessive urination can be a symptom of this condition.
  3. 5. For low blood sugar between 55-69 mg/dL eat 15 grams of fast acting_____________.
  4. 7. An injectable medication used with diet and exercise to improve glucose control
  5. 12. Insulin is produced in the islets of ____________in the pancreas.
  6. 13. A normal Hgb A1C is _______5.7%.