
  1. 2. an injection device with a needle that delivers insulin into the subcutaneous tissue.
  2. 4. blood sugar less than 70 with sign and symptoms: hunger, headachy, sweaty, confused, shaky, dizzy, and grumpy.
  3. 5. subcutaneous sensor that takes glucose readings every 5 minutes
  4. 10. s/s may include thirst, frequent urination, abdominal pain, vomiting, lethargy, rapid breathing, fruity scented breath, confusion. May be seen when blood glucose higher than 300 mg/dl.
  1. 1. early signs and symptoms of Frequent Urination, Increased thirst, blurred vision, Feeling weak or unusually tired indicates that there’s too much sugar in the blood as seen with levels above 180 mg/dl.
  2. 3. compounds that include sugars, starch, and cellulose used as fuel throughout the day. (Everyone uses this fuel source not just people with diabetes)
  3. 6. Action = Bolus insulin last 3-4 hours, peaking as 60-90 minutes, onset 15-30 minutes.
  4. 7. Document CGM blood glucose under Interactive View/I&O – Capillary Blood Glucose in this system
  5. 8. blood test that tells you your average level of blood sugar over the past 2 - 3 month.
  6. 9. Acting Basal Insulin (Lantus, Levemir) lasting up to 24 hours