
  1. 3. scale, insulin dosage based on current blood sugar levels
  2. 5. high blood sugars
  3. 10. used to draw up insulin dosage
  4. 12. needle that pokes the finger
  5. 14. acting, insulin that is given one to two times daily,
  6. 15. pump, a device that can be used instead of giving multiple injections daily
  7. 16. strips, measures glucose level in the urine meter,
  8. 18. the route of how insulin is delivered
  9. 20. A1C, test that measures the average blood sugar levels over the past 3 months
  10. 21. diabetes, also called type one diabetes that usually appears in childhood
  1. 1. low blood sugars
  2. 2. rate, the amount of insulin someone gets per hour when using an insulin pump
  3. 4. ratio, the number of grams of carbohydrates covered by one unit of insulin
  4. 6. acting, insulin that begins working in 15-30 minutes
  5. 7. the doctor that specializes in diabetes management
  6. 8. resistance, an impaired response of the body in response to insulin, resulting in elevated blood sugars
  7. 9. oral medication that is given twice daily which is commonly used in type two diabetes but can be used to treat insulin resistance
  8. 11. poker, device that is used to draw blood from the finger
  9. 13. used to treat a low blood sugar when unconscious
  10. 17. glucose monitor, device that measures glucose from the interstitial fluid every 5 minutes
  11. 19. insulin, the amount of time insulin remains working in the body