
  1. 1. Controllable factor for Diabetes
  2. 5. Diabetes happens due to___________
  3. 7. Uncontrollable factor of Diabetes
  4. 10. In this type of Diabetes Insulin not get produced in human body
  5. 12. The term HbA1c refers to ____________haemoglobin
  6. 13. If the pre-diabetes values 140-199mg/dl then the test is_____________
  7. 15. PAD , CAD , Stroke
  1. 2. The Inportant part of non Medical management of Diabetes
  2. 3. Glucagon secreted from ___________ cells of Pancreas
  3. 4. A SGLT2i present in Biocon kitty in combination with Sitagliptin
  4. 6. Retinipathy , Nephropathy and Neuropathy
  5. 8. This kind of Diabetes happens during pregnancy
  6. 9. T2DM happens due to Insulin deficiency and _______
  7. 11. Along with getting frequently thirsty and having frequent urination - this is another important symptom of Diabetes
  8. 14. In India most of the hyperglycemic patients are
  9. 16. A DPP4i present in Biocon