
  1. 3. 4 kcal/g; fuels intracellular rxns
  2. 5. 4 kcal/g; metabolized into amino acids
  3. 6. insulin resistance and reduction of adequate secretion
  4. 7. Glucose levels > 250 mg/dL; occurs w/ type I
  5. 9. helps maintain glucose levels during periods of high stress b/c of ↑ metabolic rate
  6. 10. secreted by alpha cells when serum glucose levels are low
  7. 11. cell that secretes insulin
  8. 12. ↑ protein synthesis in all cells, mobilizes fatty acids from adipose tissue, & antagonizes effects of insulin
  9. 13. bedtime glucose levels are lower than morning levels bc levels steadily rise at night
  10. 14. 9 kcal/g; metabolized into glycerol & fatty acids
  1. 1. cell mediated immune destruction of beta cells
  2. 2. bedtime glucose levels are normal but it bottoms out at night around 2-4 am; triggered by hypoglycemic state
  3. 3. stimulates gluconeogenesis; long term use increase serum sugar
  4. 4. Glucose Levels > 600 mg/dL; occurs w type II
  5. 7. cell that secretes somastatin
  6. 8. cell that secretes glucagon