
  1. 2. Diabetes is the leading risk factor for complications of these.
  2. 3. Major complication of diabetes associated with high BG and insufficient insulin.
  3. 6. Type of diabetes that develops in pregnant mothers.
  4. 9. symptoms include increased urination, thirst, and hunger.
  5. 10. Substance found in the urine and blood in DKA.
  6. 12. Characterized by elevated blood glucose, not yet diabetic.
  7. 14. Major risk factor for the development of Type 2
  8. 15. Electrolyte collects in the blood in DKA.
  1. 1. This macronutrient contributes to elevated BG levels, intake should be measured carefully in the diabetic patient.
  2. 3. Deep, sighing respiratory pattern characteristic of DKA.
  3. 4. This tool helps determine the amount of insulin to give.
  4. 5. Given IV, IM, or SubQ when BG is very low and/or patient is not alert enough to take orally.
  5. 7. This medication should be held in a patient set to receive IV contrast dye.
  6. 8. Broken down by the body to compensate for decreased glucose uptake.
  7. 11. Form of diabetes caused by insufficient insulin production.
  8. 13. Form of diabetes caused by resistance of tissues to insulin.