
  1. 5. A condition of high blood sugar levels.
  2. 7. A condition of low blood sugar levels.
  3. 8. This can happen if high or low blood sugar levels are sustained for too long.
  4. 11. This is a medical emergency caused by not enough insulin.
  5. 14. The type of diabetes that is inherited because of poor exercise and eating habits.
  6. 15. This is an app that can help someone track and monitor their diabetes.
  7. 17. A condition in which the body requires more insulin to control the blood sugar levels.
  8. 19. A sugar substitute for diabetics.
  9. 24. High blood sugar can damage the small blood vessels that supply ___ with nutrients.
  10. 25. The type of diabetes that is inherited at birth.
  11. 26. A serious health condition where blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not enough to be considered type 2 diabtes.
  12. 27. The process of the body’s making sugar from waste products and the breakdown of protein and fats.
  13. 28. A device that measures your sugar levels throughout the day and night with a tiny sensor.
  14. 29. A hormone that regulates glucose levels in the blood.
  15. 30. This hormone increases blood sugar by releasing sugar from the liver.
  1. 1. What can high blood sugar cause in the heart?
  2. 2. A simple sugar that is an important energy source in living organisms.
  3. 3. The type of diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy.
  4. 4. The desired range for your blood glucose.
  5. 6. What can happen if high blood sugar causes clots in blood vessels?
  6. 9. Diabetes is considered this when a person's blood glucose (sugar) level often swings quickly from high to low and from low to high.
  7. 10. A high blood sugar which has developed in response to a low blood sugar caused by excess insulin or other diabetes medications.
  8. 12. A medical device that administers insulin to treat diabetes.
  9. 13. What kind of drink can be used to offset low blood sugar?
  10. 16. Where can an injury be especially dangerous in someone with diabetes?
  11. 18. Sugar found in foods such as milk (lactose), fruit (fructose) and honey.
  12. 20. What problems can result from sugar blocking the tiny blood vessels that go to the retina?
  13. 21. What organ regulates blood sugar by releasing insulin?
  14. 22. A manual device used to inject insulin.
  15. 23. What organ that filters waste from the blood can be damaged from uncontrolled diabetes?