Diabetes and Exercise

  1. 3. nervous system damage due to diabetes
  2. 9. blood glucose level at which exercise is contraindicated with ketosis
  3. 11. hormone that regulates the uptake of glucose into the tissue
  4. 12. water deprivation
  5. 13. risk factor associated with glucose levels between 100-126
  6. 14. damage to the eyes as a result of diabetes
  7. 15. type of diabetes that affects pregnant women
  8. 17. too much glucose in the circulating blood
  9. 20. raised levels of ketone bodies in the blood
  1. 1. cells that produce insulin
  2. 2. percentage of people projected to have diabetes or prediabetes by 2020
  3. 4. excessive hunger
  4. 5. another name for type 2 diabetes
  5. 6. frequent need to urinate
  6. 7. way of delivering synthesized insulin into the body
  7. 8. organ that contains the insulin-secreting cells
  8. 10. too little glucose in the circulating blood
  9. 16. this is impaired in hot in cold environments in patients with diabetes
  10. 18. increased thirst
  11. 19. test that gives information on long-term glycemic control