Diabetes and Heart Disease

  1. 1. What nutrient is NOT optimal to treat a low blood sugar level immediately?
  2. 2. Weakness, headache, blurred vision, shakiness and fast heart beat are all symptoms of?
  3. 4. __________ intake should be reduced in people diagnosed with Hypertension.
  4. 8. Glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes may also be manifestations of an underlying disorder known as?
  5. 9. Defects in insulin action and secretion are seen in most individuals diagnosed with?
  6. 12. A _______ Cholesterol level less than 35 mg/dl is a risk factor for diabetes.
  7. 15. A blood pressure reading greater than 140/90 mmHg is called what?
  8. 16. Common dietary component that helps lower cholesterol through absorbing the fatty acids from the digestive system.
  9. 17. Type of dietary fat that is protective for heart disease.
  10. 19. ____________ is a type of cold water fish that contains polyunsaturated fat.
  11. 21. What SMBG stands for.
  12. 22. Most common oral diabetes medication that decreases the production of glucose from the liver.
  13. 23. Which nutrient affects glucose levels the most?
  14. 25. The hormone that helps glucose go INTO the cell.
  1. 1. Improved insulin sensitivity, weight loss, improved cardiovascular health and improved quality of life are all benefits of_________________.
  2. 3. ___________ is a useful tool for achieving nutrient balance at meals.
  3. 5. Triglyceride levels above 150 mg/dl, HDL levels less than 35 mg/dl in men and less than 39 mg/dl for women, LDL levels greater than 100 mg/dl characterize what disorder?
  4. 6. The type of diabetes where the pancreas stops making insulin and cannot move glucose into the body’s cells.
  5. 7. The hormone that raises blood glucose.
  6. 10. Long acting insulin that covers insulin needs for about one full day.
  7. 11. How often A1c should be checked in a well controlled Patient with Diabetes.
  8. 13. Adults with diabetes have heart disease death rates that are __________ versus those adults without diabetes.
  9. 14. Most common class of drugs that are prescribed to control cholesterol?
  10. 18. _____________levels greater than 250 mg/dl is a risk factor for diabetes.
  11. 20. Diabetes can affect nerves throughout the body and cause nerve pain and damage, which is called?
  12. 24. Inflammatory responses to excess nutrient intake may contribute to insulin________?