Diabetes and the Endocrine System

  1. 2. IGF-1 is produced primarily in the ____________
  2. 4. IGF-1 has structural and functional similarities to _______________
  3. 5. Glucocorticoid excess in this syndrome can impair glucose metabolism and lead to diabetes (leave out the ā€œsā€ at the end)
  4. 6. A diabetic may have to excuse themselves frequently when their serum glucose concentration rises significantly above 180 mg/dL because of this symptom
  5. 8. Cortisol contributes to hyperglycemia by promoting __________ in the liver
  6. 11. Cortisol inhibits the peripheral utilization of glucose by decreasing the translocation of glucose ________________ to the cell membrane
  7. 13. Hyperglycemia inhibits the release of growth hormone at the ____________
  1. 1. There is too much of this hormone in diabetes when alpha cell response to hyperglycemia is blunted
  2. 3. Diabetes ____________ is either an AVP deficiency or kidney insensitivity to AVP and only shares a name with diabetes mellitus to confuse medical students
  3. 7. You should tell your doctor about your diabetes before taking this drug for your hypothyroidism
  4. 8. _________ opposes the actions of insulin and can contribute to diabetes in people with acromegaly (2 words)
  5. 9. The endocrine pancreas is made up of roughly one million cell clusters called islets of _______________
  6. 10. This popular diabetes medication decreases hyperglycemia by suppressing gluconeogenesis in the liver
  7. 12. People with Laron dwarfism have strikingly low rates of diabetes and do not respond to growth hormone treatment because they lack GH ________________