diabetes and wound healing

  1. 2. if present in the wound reservoir for toxins and bacteria
  2. 5. contributing factor to formation and impaired healing of foot ulcers.
  3. 7. cells in islets of Langerham that release insulin into blood.
  4. 9. Cells do not respond to effects of insulin.
  5. 11. cramping pain in calf and leg muscles that is intermittent.
  6. 14. haemoglobin that has a higher affinity for oxygen.
  7. 17. excessive thirst due to high blood sugar levels.
  8. 18. frequent urination due to high blood sugar levels.
  9. 19. process is delayed if an area is poorly supplied with blood.
  10. 20. released into wound bed are needed to remove damaged tissue components.
  1. 1. higher blood _________ caused by increased blood sugar levels.
  2. 3. phase of wound healing impaired because of reduced number of leukocytes.
  3. 4. membrane that is thickened in diabetic patients capillaries.
  4. 6. wound healing is __________ in patients with diabetes.
  5. 8. wounds that are non healing area at risk of____________.
  6. 10. aim is to reduce blood loss and prevent pathogens from entering the body.
  7. 12. presence of fatty plaque within arteries.
  8. 13. thrive on increased glucose available in blood stream.
  9. 15. development of new blood vessels.
  10. 16. produce collagen.
  11. 21. if poorly supplied to tissues results in hypoxia.