  1. 2. A hormone released by the pancreas that regulates blood sugar levles in our body
  2. 3. A common symptom of unidagnosed diabetes
  3. 5. A known complication of diabetes that typically causes loss of sensation in the extremities
  4. 6. A diabetic complication that affects the small blood vessels that supply blood to the retina
  5. 10. A fasting serum blood sugar level greater than 7 mmol.
  6. 12. This is the cornerstone of good diabetic control
  7. 14. This will assist people with diabeetes to stay healthy and well
  8. 15. A common symptom of hypoglycaemia
  9. 16. A common biguanide medication
  1. 1. A life threatening condition that develops when cells in the body are not able to access glucose
  2. 4. A glandular organ that provides both endocrine and exocrine functions in the body
  3. 7. Damage to or disease of the kidney
  4. 8. A blood sugar level below 4 mmol
  5. 9. Normal blood glucose level
  6. 11. A chronic disease caused by inherited and/or aquired deficiency in the production of insulin
  7. 13. This is a test commonly used to indicate a persons average blood glucose levels over the previous 2-3 months
  8. 14. Insulin lowers the serum levels of this electrolyte which if left untreated could cause arrhythmias