  1. 4. .................... should be a part of lunch and dinner of a Diabetic Patient.
  2. 7. Name a vegetable that is high in Carbohydrate.
  3. 8. Which is the nutrient in the food we eat that our body breaks down to make sugar?
  4. 9. A Diabetic patient should eat every ................... hours
  5. 10. Name an Italian food that is a good source of carbohydrate.
  6. 11. The Doctor and the ............... have a role in the management of Diabetes
  7. 12. Name one of the Lifestyle risk factor of Type II Diabetes.
  8. 14. Which hormone is essential in the conversion of glucose to energy?
  1. 1. The carbohydrate count of ............ & rice are similar
  2. 2. A chronic disease in which the body makes too little or no insulin
  3. 3. Regular ................................ is a good way to prevent Diabetes.
  4. 5. What is the unit used as a measure of the energy released by food as it is digested by the human body?
  5. 6. A key index relating weight to height is called .....................
  6. 10. Which is the Insulin producing gland?
  7. 13. People with Diabetes should eat foods that are high in .............