diabetes cross word

  1. 1. machine used for testing blood glucose levels
  2. 3. This breaks down into glucose
  3. 5. you should have an this to warn others
  4. 8. insulin should be stored here
  5. 11. empty calories and high sugar
  6. 12. how many alcoholic drinks you can have weekly
  7. 14. device should have this (abbrev)
  8. 15. important to check blood sugar before
  9. 16. Diabetes can damage this organ
  10. 20. Type one diabetes
  11. 21. how many alcoholic drinks you can have daily
  12. 22. How many types of diabetes
  13. 23. high glucose in the blood
  14. 25. Excess glucose for energy
  1. 2. a symptom of diabetes
  2. 4. Produces insulin
  3. 6. Liver converts stored glycogen to this
  4. 7. Type two diabetes generally is a result of
  5. 9. how many times a day you should test
  6. 10. important to take at the same time
  7. 13. a risk factor to getting diabetes
  8. 17. how many degrees should insulin be stored under
  9. 18. item used to get blood
  10. 19. you should do this to monitor blood levels
  11. 24. more likely to get diabetes