Diabetes Crossword

  1. 2. Diabetes Canada recommends 150 minutes of mild-moderate aerobic exercise each
  2. 6. Blood sugar may become ____ after aerobic exercise.
  3. 7. Type 1 diabetes is insulin _____
  4. 8. Bike or run on the Martin Goodman _____ in Toronto
  5. 13. This food that has the biggest impact on blood sugar?
  6. 14. Weight ____ can improve insulin sensitivity
  7. 15. High Intensity Interval Training
  8. 17. Applies to skin to prevent skin damage
  9. 18. Treatment for low blood sugar
  10. 19. Wintery fun in Whistler
  11. 22. Carbohydrate is another word for a food that turns to
  12. 23. index Low __________ foods can help control blood sugar and cholesterol levels
  13. 25. sugar Check____ before exercise
  14. 26. Do this in a lake, ocean, or pool
  1. 1. mealtime insulin before exercise
  2. 3. Fills of half your plate
  3. 4. Basket-, volley-, foot-.
  4. 5. Try to get 150 minutes per week of aerobic _____
  5. 9. Type 2 diabetes is caused from insulin _____
  6. 10. Comfortable____ to prevent foot injury
  7. 11. keeps you hydrated
  8. 12. Protein helps to build
  9. 14. time The best weight loss strategy is one that can be maintained for a
  10. 16. Used to treat low blood sugar
  11. 20. pen Used to deliver insulin
  12. 21. In this issue, Mark Ma does this as his main form of exercise.
  13. 24. Highly caffeinated