Diabetes Crossword

  1. 2. Inhaled insulin: do NOT give to pts with DKA, smokers, COPD or asthma- can cause bronchospasm.
  2. 3. Fastest absorbing SQ injection site for insulin- followed by arm, thigh, buttock, then leg.
  3. 5. Brand name Januvia: Dipepptidyl peptidase-4 (DP-4) Inhibitor. Enhance activities of incretins.
  4. 6. Insulin ________ may be better for vision impaired patients because they can hear the “clicks” while dialing the dose.
  5. 10. “occurring after a meal”
  6. 13. Insulin storage: Can leave at room temp (<86F->32F) for up to _______ weeks. Store unopened vials in refrigerator.
  7. 14. oral med that increased insulin reuptake in muscle. Pioglitazone may increase risk for bladder cancer and CHF.
  8. 16. Phenomenon: Hyperglycemia in AM due to growth hormone and cortisol. Test 2-4 AM, if high increase insulin.
  9. 17. ALL patients with Type I DM require ___________________.
  10. 18. Effect: Hyperglycemia in AM due to too much insulin at night, test 2-4AM, if low give snack and/or less insulin
  1. 1. oral med that decreases rate of hepatic insulin production. hold 1-2 days before and 48 hrs after IV contrast.
  2. 4. nateglinide. Creates rapid, short lived relieaseof insulin from pancreas.
  3. 7. acting insulin with onset of 30-min-1hr, peak 2-5 hr, duration 5-8 hr. i.e., Regular.
  4. 8. atropy or hypertrophy of SQ tissue when injection sites are not rotated.
  5. 9. acting Cloudy insulin with onset 1.5-4hr, peak 4-12 hours, duration 12-18 hours. **never give IV!**
  6. 11. glipizide, glyburide, glimepiride. Stimulate release of insulin from pancreatic islets.
  7. 12. acting onset 0.8-4hr peak- less defined, no peak in some individuals. Duration 16-24 hours. i.e., glargine – do not give for postprandial glucose
  8. 15. acting insulin with onset of 10-30 minutes, peak of 30mins-3hrs, duration -5 hours. i.e., lispro, aspart. (Adminsiter within 15 minutes of a meal.)
  9. 19. Insulin cannot be taken __________________ because it is inactivated by gastric contents.