Diabetes Crossword By:Kady Howe

  1. 3. What the glucose must pass through to enter a liver cell.
  2. 4. Maintains a stable environment.
  3. 6. What the insulin attaches to on a liver cell.
  4. 8. Carbohydrates, lipids, protein, and nucleic acid are all considered.....
  5. 10. Determines ones levels of insulin in the blood over a period of time.
  1. 1. Large(r) subunits that are made up of monomers.
  2. 2. A part of the body that helps to produce insulin.
  3. 3. Determines ones levels of glucose in the blood over a period of time.
  4. 5. Contains three steps and has two types.
  5. 7. Small subunits that make up polymers.
  6. 9. The type of diabetes that is caused by lack of insulin.
  7. 11. the type of diabetes that is caused by too much insulin in the body.
  8. 12. The hormone that allows the body to use the consumed sugar.