Diabetes Crossword Puzzle - Rajkumar Singh

  1. 2. You cannot prevent this type of diabetes; the pancreas produces very little or no insulin
  2. 6. Substances produced when the body breaks down fat for energy in the absence of sufficient insulin, often associated with uncontrolled diabetes
  3. 7. At least 7% can lower your likelihood of developing Type 2 diabetes (That's 15 lbs for a 200 lb person)
  4. 9. Most young people with diabetes have Type 1 and manage with insulin, but there is a growing number of Type 2 in what age group?
  5. 11. Some people think eating too much of this causes diabetes
  6. 13. This is the second leading preventable risk factor for developing Type 2 diabetes
  7. 15. This is the leading cause of death in people with diabetes
  8. 17. Synonym for when a person's blood sugar is too high
  9. 18. You cannot change this risk factor for diabetes, it's passed down through your parents
  10. 19. The major cause of Type 2 diabetes
  11. 21. Can you tell if a person has diabetes by looking at them?
  12. 23. Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are not this
  1. 1. 44% of dialysis patients have this complication because of diabetes
  2. 3. There are several symptoms of diabetes including blurred vision, extreme fatigue, frequent urination, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and this symptom
  3. 4. This is also called low blood sugar
  4. 5. If you develop Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, if you're good at this, your lessen your risks of developing complications
  5. 8. This complication of diabetes can lead to limb amputation because they don't feel injuries and don't heal well
  6. 10. This type of diabetes is preventable in many cases, the pancreas does make some insulin
  7. 12. This is a complication of the digestive system due to diabetes
  8. 14. This is a hormone produced by the pancreas that all humans must have to use glucose for energy in their bodies
  9. 16. This is what needs insulin to be used by the body for energy
  10. 20. Doing this increases your likelihood of developing Type 2 diabetes
  11. 22. People with diabetes are twice as likely to have this happen as someone who is not diabetic