Diabetes Education

  1. 5. Medical emergency when severely hypoglycemic (hint DKA)
  2. 7. Sugar that is pushed into the cell by insulin for energy
  3. 10. When blood glucose leave falls below 4
  4. 12. Number of minutes to exercise every week
  5. 13. Performing this weekly will help manage blood glucose levels
  6. 14. 2 Condition in which there is not enough insulin produced or the body is "insulin resistant"
  7. 15. Number of meals and snacks a day necessary
  8. 16. Type of exercise recommended (running & walking)
  1. 1. Type 2 Diabetes can be _______ through exercise and healthy eating habits
  2. 2. If hypoglycemia event occurs act ____________
  3. 3. Hormone that helps body store and use sugar and fats
  4. 4. This is broken down into glucose by the digestive system
  5. 6. Type of meal one should consume
  6. 8. Instrument essential to blood glucose testing
  7. 9. Parental contribution of diabetes to baby
  8. 11. Organ that releases insulin