Diabetes in Older Adults and Pregnancy

  1. 3. women with preexisting diabetes should ideally be managed in a _________ clinic
  2. 7. an A1c goal of <6.5% preconception helps reduce the risk of fetal _______
  3. 8. fasting and ________ BG monitoring should be done for all pregnant women with diabetes
  4. 11. avoid this in older adults with diabetes
  5. 13. A1c goal is <8-8.5% with ______ chronic illnesses
  6. 18. A1c goal is <7-7.5% with _____ cognitive function
  7. 19. this agent should be prescribed in low doses to women with preexisting diabetes to lower the risk of preeclampsia
  8. 20. a glucose _______ test should be performed to screen women with a recent history of gestational diabetes
  9. 22. during end of life care glycemic management burden should be ______
  10. 23. all women with diabetes who are of childbearing age should have this type of counseling
  1. 1. this sulfonylurea should be avoided in older adults for its risk of hypoglycemia
  2. 2. these risk factors should be treated in older adults with DM as part of their treatment goals
  3. 4. this is the preferred agent to treat hyperglycemia in pregnancy
  4. 5. this type of behavioral change is a key component of managing gestational diabetes
  5. 6. this should be monitored for during each trimester and one year postpartum
  6. 7. CGM metrics can be used as an ______ to BG self-monitoring
  7. 9. ____ glycemic control is associated with worsening cognitive function
  8. 10. this can increase the risk of overnight hypoglycemia
  9. 12. this is the first line agent for treating diabetes in older adults
  10. 14. simplification of medication regimens is recommended to reduce hypoglycemia and _______
  11. 15. women with a history of gestational diabetes should have _______ screenings for the development of T2DM
  12. 16. patients residing in ___ facilities are at an even greater risk of hypoglycemia
  13. 17. this should be incorporated into older adults' diets
  14. 21. cognitive impairment may hinder this