Diabetes in Pregnancy

  1. 3. when the shoulders of the fetus becomes stuck behind the mother's pubic bone
  2. 11. what you use to check your blood sugar
  3. 12. having a high blood-sugar
  4. 13. the source of energy for your body
  5. 15. the taking-in of food to nourish the body
  6. 16. having a large body
  7. 17. the diagnosis of having a high blood-sugars
  1. 1. growing another being inside of the uterus
  2. 2. an amount of food enough for one person
  3. 4. having a low blood-sugar
  4. 5. the way a person lives
  5. 6. having more than normal amount of amniotic fluid
  6. 7. a dangerous pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure
  7. 8. what your doctor works for each of his/her patients
  8. 9. chemicals in your body
  9. 10. simple carbohydrate that causes the blood sugar to rise
  10. 14. A hormone that helps your body use sugar for energy