Diabetes - Jake Mayton

  1. 4. diabetes makes cells not respond to insulin; overweight people typically have this
  2. 6. pregnancy induced diabetes
  3. 8. a registered person who can support you on a dieting journey
  4. 10. special course of foods which someone restricts themselves to to improve their health
  5. 11. someone who takes care of ocular problems often for diabetes patients
  6. 12. a serious ocular side effect of diabetes that makes it impossible to see
  1. 1. a doctor that is often assigned to a diabetes patient
  2. 2. a waxy fat-like substance that maintains the integrity of cell memebranes
  3. 3. a type of diabetes that attacks the pancreas and ceases insulin production
  4. 5. an organ in the body that produces insulin
  5. 7. when a person accumulates an overload of fat that risks their health
  6. 9. a hormone the levels the amount of glucose in the blood