Diabetes Knowledge

  1. 2. a health care professional who counsels patients
  2. 3. this is used for emergency diabetic identification
  3. 5. this is sometimes the first sign in people with type 1 diabetes
  4. 8. Sanofi-manufactured insulin
  5. 9. the organ affected with Diabetes
  6. 12. this type comes from family history and obesity
  7. 14. Increased urine emission
  8. 17. a chronic nerve complication
  9. 19. Term used to describe the condition of high blood sugar
  10. 22. common medication used
  11. 23. glucose enters here from food
  1. 1. hormone produced by alpha cells that raises blood sugar
  2. 2. normal levels of glucose in the blood
  3. 4. administration of external insulin
  4. 6. This is good to do 30 mins a day 3 times a week
  5. 7. An anabolic hormone
  6. 10. avoid foods rich in this type of fat
  7. 11. one of the six food groups
  8. 13. rebound effect of hypoglycemia
  9. 15. the test for glycated hemoglobin
  10. 16. changes to this is required for proper management
  11. 18. diabetic foot disease can lead to this
  12. 20. daily glucose determinant
  13. 21. type 1 diabetes is a type of this condition