Diabetes Management

  1. 2. post-prandial blood sugar checks occur 2 hours after the _______ bite
  2. 6. T or F: healthcare workers can use a patient's continuous glucose monitor for hourly blood sugar checks
  3. 8. a hypoglycemic reading of 60-79 mg/dL warrants giving 15 g oral ___________
  4. 9. the gold standard for managing diabetes in pregnancy
  1. 1. this condition affects the baby if maternal blood sugar is poorly controlled
  2. 3. T or F: patients receiving insulin often require 2 IV sites due to incompatibilities with other medications
  3. 4. maintenance fluid can be given with insulin to prevent hypoglycemia episodes
  4. 5. this medical emergency requires prompt recognition and treatment: ________ ketoacidosis
  5. 7. Initiation of an insulin drip will require a _______ RN to independently view orders and pump set up