  1. 5. excess glucose in the urine
  2. 6. begins with insulin resistance, noninsulin-dependent
  3. 8. hormone secreted by the alpha cells of the pancreas, which stimulate release of glucose by the liver
  4. 9. delivers insulin continuously through a subcutaneous needle
  5. 10. increased urination
  6. 11. occurs when a rapid decrease in blood glucose causes the release of glucose-elevating hormones
  7. 13. disorder of metabolism, 23.6 million Americans have it
  8. 15. excessive thirst
  9. 16. for glucose to cross the cell membrane insuiln must connect with a ........ on the cell membrane
  10. 17. ketones found in the urine
  11. 18. insulin-dependent
  12. 20. increased hunger
  1. 1. most powerful risk factor of type two diabetes
  2. 2. type one diabetes is what type of disorder
  3. 3. occurs during pregnancy
  4. 4. elevated blood glucose
  5. 7. atrophy or hypertrophy in the subcutaneous fat
  6. 12. low blood glucose
  7. 14. hormone produced and secreted by the beta cells of the islets of langerhans in the pancreas
  8. 19. early morning glucose elavation produced by the release of growth hormone