Diabetes Mellitus

  1. 2. Excessive thirst
  2. 3. A regulatory substance that travels in the blood
  3. 5. Glucose in the urine
  4. 6. High acidity in the blood caused by ketones
  5. 7. Complex sugars that are broken down into glucose
  6. 8. Insulin deficiency
  7. 11. (HbA1c)A test that measures glucose levels over a 2-3 month period
  8. 13. Excessive urination
  9. 14. A hormone secreting gland
  10. 16. A disorder of glucose metabolism
  11. 18. Introducing a drug into the body through the skin
  12. 19. Extreme hunger
  1. 1. A portion of the cell membrane that a hormone attaches to
  2. 2. Hormone secreting cells in the pancreas
  3. 4. The simple sugar used for metabolism in most human cells
  4. 9. Below the skin
  5. 10. Treatment
  6. 12. High blood sugar
  7. 15. Determining the cause and nature of the illness
  8. 17. A breakdown product of fat and protein