
  1. 2. also known as low blood sugar, severe hypoglycemia can cause a variety of symptoms ranging from dizziness to seizures.
  2. 3. a diabetic kidney disease in which protein is spilled into the urine; it can progress over time and result in significant kidney damage.
  3. 4. the organ that makes insulin, needed to convert glucose to energy.
  4. 7. a small medical device used to check blood glucose levels.
  5. 8. a test that reveals exactly how well your blood sugar (glucose) has been controlled over the previous three months
  6. 9. a condition often caused by an infection or other illness like dehydration, or from taking too little insulin; when the body begins to break down muscle and fat for needed energy, ketones are released into the urine and blood, leading to diabetic ketoacidosis.
  7. 10. non-insulin-dependent diabetes, a condition in which your body either doesn't make enough insulin or doesn't use it properly and can't properly use blood glucose as energy; type 2 may be treated with oral medication, but could eventually require insulin.
  8. 11. insulin-dependent diabetes that requires life-long insulin treatment; type 1 occurs when the pancreas doesn't make enough insulin, preventing your body from properly using blood glucose as energy.
  9. 13. a hormone made by the pancreas that assists in the use of glucose for energy; people with diabetes who don't make enough insulin will inject it.
  10. 14. the chemical substance made by your body when there isn't enough insulin in your blood; a build-up of ketones can lead to serious illness or coma.
  11. 15. the simple blood test used to check the amount of glucose in the blood; a tiny drop of blood, taken by pricking a finger, is placed on a test strip and inserted in the meter for reading.
  12. 17. the eye disease that occurs in someone with diabetes when the small blood vessels of the retina become swollen and leak liquid into the retina, blurring vision; it can sometimes lead to blindness.
  13. 19. the diabetes some women develop during pregnancy; it typically subsides after the baby is delivered, but many women who have had gestational diabetes may develop type 2 diabetes later in life.
  14. 20. also known as high blood glucose, this condition occurs when your blood glucose level is too high; weight loss, thirstiness, and frequent urination are typical symptoms.
  1. 1. blood sugar that gives energy to cells.
  2. 2. a condition usually caused by an infection or illness that results in blood sugar levels rising to dangerously high levels; HHNS can lead to seizures, coma, and death.
  3. 5. diabetes-caused nerve damage, typically in the feet and hands; major organs can also be affected.
  4. 6. the hormone that is injected into a person with diabetes to raise their blood glucose level when it's very low (hypoglycemia).
  5. 12. also known as blood sugar, glucose comes from food and is then carried through the blood to deliver energy to cells.
  6. 16. the shortened name for diabetes mellitus, the condition in which the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin or your body is unable to use insulin to move glucose into cells of the body.
  7. 18. cells found in the pancreas that make insulin.