  1. 3. The type of Diabetes that is affected by lack of activity and obesity
  2. 4. The organ which produces Glucose
  3. 6. The organ which secretes this hormone
  4. 9. Name of the complication concerned with the heart and high blood pressure
  5. 11. Name of the complication that causes the metabolism of fatty acids and proteins
  6. 13. One of the symptoms of Diabetes causes vision to become _____
  7. 14. To prevent Diabetes, stay away from this particular habit
  1. 1. The complication that happens as a result of Diabetes, affecting the brain
  2. 2. Name of the hormone secreted when levels of glucose are too low
  3. 5. Another one of the symptoms of Diabetes causes severe weight _____
  4. 7. These are the specific cells located within the Pancreas that secrete the hormone when blood glucose levels are high
  5. 8. The name given when there is too much sugar in blood
  6. 10. The hormone responsible for delivering Glucose to cells
  7. 12. The type of Diabetes that destroys the hormone produced