
  1. 2. The main protein hormone involved with diabetes
  2. 4. Process in which the body's own immune system attack the Beta islets
  3. 7. The organ that is responsible for producing hormones involved in diabetes
  4. 9. The main sugar involved with diabetes
  5. 13. metabolic acidosis developing in type 1 diabetes due to beta oxidation of fats(2 words)
  6. 15. In type 2 diabetes there is decreased _________ of receptors
  7. 16. Main cause of type 1 diabetes
  8. 20. The term for High blood glucose levels
  9. 21. Damage to the eyes due to chronic diabetes
  1. 1. Responsible for the movement of glucose into the cells (2 words)
  2. 3. Lifestyle risk factor for type 2 diabetes
  3. 5. Elevated blood glucose levels occurring during pregnancy (2 words)
  4. 6. Term used for excessive passing of urine
  5. 8. Precursor to insulin
  6. 10. Damage to the kidneys as a result of diabetes
  7. 11. Non insulin dependent diabetes
  8. 12. The term for low blood glucose levels
  9. 14. Insulin dependent diabetes
  10. 17. Hormone that is released to combat low blood glucose levels
  11. 18. Damage to the nerves as a result of diabetes
  12. 19. The main symptom of diabetes