
  1. 2. Overweight weight that is higher than what is considered to be healthy
  2. 5. Procedure where finger is pricked to obtain blood from capillary to test blood sugar for people who have diabetes
  3. 10. Low blood glucose
  4. 12. Serious condition in which extremely high blood glucose level, along with a severe lack of insulin, result in the breakdown of body fat for energy and an accumulation of ketones in blood and urine
  5. 14. When type I diabetes usually first appears in children
  6. 15. Small increase or decrease in measurement; deals with amounts of insulin
  7. 16. Activity requiring physical effort, carried out especially to sustain or improve health and fitness
  8. 17. Carbohydrate that is quick and easy fuel for body
  9. 18. If high blood sugar is not treated promptly with insulin, it can lead to this
  10. 20. Unconsciousness by too little sugar and too much insulin in the blood
  11. 24. Can also test someone’s blood sugar levels
  12. 26. Diabetes that is diagnosed during pregnancy
  13. 28. Syringe that holds insulin in the pump
  14. 29. Any disease in which the body's ability to use blood sugar is impaired
  15. 30. Simple sugar that is an important energy source in living organisms and is a component of many carbohydrates
  1. 1. Hormone produced by the pancreas that stimulates body cells to take up and use blood sugar
  2. 3. Pressure of the blood in the circulatory system
  3. 4. Condition that come before type II diabetes; blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be considered diabetes
  4. 6. How people with type I diabetes take in insulin
  5. 7. Occurs when too little insulin is taken in or too much food is eaten
  6. 8. High blood sugar
  7. 9. Organ that produces insulin, located behind lower part of stomach
  8. 11. External battery powered device that injects precise amounts of insulin for people with diabetes
  9. 13. Chemical created by body when there is not enough insulin in blood
  10. 19. Form of diabetes, which occurs most often in people over the age of 30
  11. 21. Type II diabetes risk factor that could be helped with a diet plan
  12. 22. More serious, insulin-dependent diabetes, produces little or no insulin
  13. 23. Cells in pancreas responsible for producing insulin
  14. 25. When people who produce sufficient insulin but whose body cells do not respond normally to insulin
  15. 27. A special course of food to which one restricts oneself, either to lose weight or for medical reasons