
  1. 3. shape r/t metabolic syndrome
  2. 7. stimulate pancreas w/ help from beta cells
  3. 8. type 1 diabetes is characterized by
  4. 9. illness r/t type 1 diabetes
  5. 13. type 2 diabetes is
  6. 14. increase sugar levels 4-8 am
  7. 17. increase tissue sensitivity to insulin
  8. 20. delta cells produce
  9. 21. humulin R;Novolin R
  10. 22. alpha cells produce
  1. 1. decrease glucose production in liver
  2. 2. shape r/t peripheral obesity
  3. 4. morning rebound increase sugar lvls r/t hypoglycemia
  4. 5. body doesn't produce insulin
  5. 6. Novolog;Humalog
  6. 10. Humulin N;Novolin N
  7. 11. glucose test;pt not eaten in 2 hours
  8. 12. beta cells produce
  9. 15. byproduct of fat breakdown
  10. 16. Lantus;Levemir
  11. 18. illness r/t type 2 diabetes
  12. 19. glucose test; pt drinks syrup, waits 2 hours