
  1. 2. low blood sugar level
  2. 3. a body disorder of the metabolism caused by the pancreas, causing excessive thirst and the production of large amounts of urine.
  3. 4. an Emergency Kit used when a diabetic has passed out, used to treat a low blood sugar.
  4. 6. a type of sugar that should be counted in diabetics' foods.
  5. 7. a type of Diabetes developed during pregnancy
  6. 10. type of diabetes also known as Adult Onset that occurs when your body produces insulin, but the body resists to the insulin.
  1. 1. high blood sugar level
  2. 5. chemicals that appear in the urine and blood when the body fat is used for energy
  3. 8. a type of diabetes that occurs when your body doesn't produce insulin
  4. 9. a hormone that converts the food one eats into energy.