
  1. 2. Frequent and excessive urination
  2. 6. Neuropathy type that affects a single nerve or nerve group, and usually are caused by an acute ischemic event or by nerve trapping
  3. 8. The most common neuropathies in DM and involve widespread nerve function loss/ slow onset, affects both sides of the body
  4. 9. Sensory alterations / Distal symmetric polyneuropathy / Burning, tingling sensations, starting in toes and moving up legs
  5. 10. Excessive eating
  1. 1. Type of respiration r/t metabolic acidosis
  2. 3. Presence of albumin in the urine, indication of kidney disease
  3. 4. microvascular complication leading to kidney dysfunction
  4. 5. microvascular complication leading to vision problem
  5. 7. microvascular complication leading to nerve dysfunction
  6. 9. Excessive thirst