- 4. Overlode the song Loaaded Diaper recorded in a studio
- 8. bill moved to this new band called
- 11. the name of Loaded Diaper's social media page
- 12. the place where Greg prtended to be Bill's son
- 14. a annual band competition
- 16. Loaded Diaper printed these to put around town
- 17. a compitition where you put your hand on a van,and if you are the last one with your hand on the van you win the van
- 20. the fans that like the band Stank call themselves
- 1. Loaded Diaper tried to be viral by
- 2. adition for a lead volcalist for Stank
- 3. Loaded Diaper wanted the first album to be named
- 5. got stuck in Mackie's gutiar
- 6. One of Metallichihuahua's albums
- 7. where Loaded Diaper played at for their first time in a while
- 9. bill's crush, he met her at Honeybuns
- 10. Rodric's favorite band
- 13. Diaper Rodric and his friend's band
- 14. what Metallichihuahua fans called theselves
- 15. this guy saw Metallichchuahua when he was ten
- 18. the instument Rodric plays
- 19. The kid writing the diary