Diary of a Wimpy Kid Diaper Overlode

  1. 4. Overlode the song Loaaded Diaper recorded in a studio
  2. 8. bill moved to this new band called
  3. 11. the name of Loaded Diaper's social media page
  4. 12. the place where Greg prtended to be Bill's son
  5. 14. a annual band competition
  6. 16. Loaded Diaper printed these to put around town
  7. 17. a compitition where you put your hand on a van,and if you are the last one with your hand on the van you win the van
  8. 20. the fans that like the band Stank call themselves
  1. 1. Loaded Diaper tried to be viral by
  2. 2. adition for a lead volcalist for Stank
  3. 3. Loaded Diaper wanted the first album to be named
  4. 5. got stuck in Mackie's gutiar
  5. 6. One of Metallichihuahua's albums
  6. 7. where Loaded Diaper played at for their first time in a while
  7. 9. bill's crush, he met her at Honeybuns
  8. 10. Rodric's favorite band
  9. 13. Diaper Rodric and his friend's band
  10. 14. what Metallichihuahua fans called theselves
  11. 15. this guy saw Metallichchuahua when he was ten
  12. 18. the instument Rodric plays
  13. 19. The kid writing the diary