Did you ever question how you breath?

  1. 3. What organ passes air into the lungs?
  2. 6. How many lobes is the right lung divided into?
  3. 8. An early scientist who studied respiration.
  4. 9. What animal is the respiratory system in?
  5. 11. What is another name for the wind pipe?
  6. 12. What does the diaphragm create?
  7. 16. What does the body create when it heals its innards?
  8. 17. What is the part of the respiratory system that moves air into the trachea?
  9. 18. What gas in air does the human body need?
  10. 20. An organ in the respiratory system that starts with L.
  1. 1. What system includes the lungs and mouth?
  2. 2. A structure in the respiratory system that starts with M.
  3. 4. What system works with the respiratory system to spread the oxygen.
  4. 5. What is one purpose of the respiratory system?
  5. 7. What other thing does our body needs from the air?
  6. 10. What is another purpose of the respiratory system?
  7. 13. Does playing a sport increase or decrease your need for oxygen?
  8. 14. What does the trachea move?
  9. 15. What condition makes it harder to breath because of inflammation in your air ways.
  10. 17. How many lobes is the left lung divided into?
  11. 19. Is there a cure for asthma?