Diet , Nutrition & Lifestyle Diseases

  1. 2. health Encompasses our relationship with others
  2. 5. caused by the daily habits of people
  3. 7. Source of vitamins
  4. 10. Critical at all stages of life
  5. 13. triangle Also known as the wellness triangle
  6. 14. Food provides __ for physical activities
  7. 15. Also known as "sugar"
  8. 18. A type of diet
  9. 20. Foods our body need to function at its best
  10. 22. Provides the body with energy
  11. 23. Water source
  12. 24. Found in foods from animals
  1. 1. Your body is most efficient when the 3 sides of the health triangle are in a ___ state
  2. 3. Focuses on your thoughts, feelings & emotions
  3. 4. One of the six essential nutrients
  4. 6. Source of healthy fat
  5. 8. The body's ability to function normally
  6. 9. Eliminates huger
  7. 11. Diseases that are not contagious
  8. 12. Unhealthy foods
  9. 15. food a person eats daily
  10. 16. Chest pain caused by lack of blood flow to the heart
  11. 17. A major lifestyle disease
  12. 19. A cardiovascular disease
  13. 21. person's diet consists of ___ & manufactured foods