Dietitian Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
  2. 10. Vary depending on experience,region, and demographic
  3. 11. The rate of this has increased rapidly and alarmingly
  4. 12. Demand on Nutritional therapy is directly related to this
  5. 13. Does contract work and works in private practices
  1. 2. These people teach the science of nutrition
  2. 3. Disease that accompanies obesity
  3. 4. A person who is a registered specialist in nutrition and healthy lifestyles
  4. 5. These Dietitian Nutritionists supervise service of meals in public settings
  5. 6. Dietitians working in this industry have the LOWEST median annual wages
  6. 7. Concerning diet and nutrition
  7. 8. Minimum hours required for continuing education every five years
  8. 9. The Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics