  1. 2. The "R" in the CARP model stands for this.
  2. 6. Even if you can't solve the customer's problem, you can come across as concerned and _______.
  3. 7. The best way to get a person on the phone to yield control and start listening is to remain _______.
  4. 11. ______ allows both you and the angry customer to calm down by inserting a "break in the angry interaction."
  5. 14. Rather than refusing a customer request, always try to give ________.
  6. 15. By identifying your _____, you are more likely to be able to stay in control of your own emotions.
  7. 17. You should never counter _____ when a customer is insulting or aggressive since it gets you stuck in an escalating argument.
  8. 19. Language which sounds argumentative or tends to cause conflicts to escalate is called this.
  1. 1. Often, a ______ to a supervisor will cause an abusive customer to behave more appropriately because of the status effect.
  2. 3. The four stage acronym for the Defusing Hostile Customer System.
  3. 4. Angry customer wants you to understand his or her emotional state.
  4. 5. Rule #1 when trying to defuse a customer: Deal with the _______ first.
  5. 8. One very powerful verbal self defense skill involves saying "You are ______" because an angry customer doesn't expect you to say this.
  6. 9. This tactic involves isolating the angry customer on his or her own for a short time to allow him or her to reflect on his or her behavior.
  7. 10. The _______ cycle describes how angry interactions get worse very quickly.
  8. 11. This technique involves focusing the angry customer's attention away from his or her emotions.
  9. 12. "Were you aware that you could..." is a way of using a _______ instead of a direct harsh sounding statement (e.g. "You must go to...")
  10. 13. "Whatever" is an example of a ___ ____ that creates more anger.
  11. 16. When a customer accuses you of something, you should never _____ yourself, since that keeps you in the abuse game.
  12. 18. Customers need to know that you ______ or they will get angrier.