
  1. 7. juice works with other juices to break down food
  2. 8. removes potassium, sodium, and water from waste and the rest is eliminated
  3. 9. vein nutrients are carried by the _______ to the liver
  4. 10. important ingredient in digestion, helps you taste food
  5. 13. tiny finger-like projections on the inner wall of the small intestine
  6. 14. churned food
  7. 15. helps the body digest and absorb fats
  8. 17. a ball of food and saliva
  9. 19. juices acids and enzymes that help food break down chemically
  10. 20. blood sugar, body´s basic fuel
  1. 1. chemical reaction in which molecules combine with oxygen
  2. 2. process includes: breathing, digesting food, building and repairing tissue
  3. 3. metabolism the energy you need to maintain automatic process
  4. 4. juice a mixture of enzymes
  5. 5. extra glucose converted by the liver
  6. 6. rythmic movement in muscles
  7. 11. converts glucose into glycogen
  8. 12. helps break down food
  9. 16. connects the mouth and stomach
  10. 18. process of breaking down food