
  1. 4. - connects mouth and stomach
  2. 5. - grinds up food
  3. 8. - storage form of glucose
  4. 13. - process of breaking down food
  5. 14. juices - acids that help break down food
  6. 15. - liquid in mouth
  7. 16. - blood sugar
  8. 17. - ball - like shape tounge forms food into to be swallowed
  9. 18. - in saliva
  10. 19. - place where saliva is held
  1. 1. - churned food turns to liquid
  2. 2. processes - breathing, digesting, building muscle
  3. 3. juice - enzyemes made by pancreas
  4. 6. - helps body digest/absorb fats
  5. 7. - movement of muscles
  6. 9. - tiny finger-like projections
  7. 10. - which step is where you see food
  8. 11. metabolism - energy to maintane body processes
  9. 12. - molecules combine with oxygen
  10. 15. - place where food goes after esophagus